Who Knows

It is predictably unpredictable. That to which I refer to is obvious: type 1 diabetes. Again, another night interrupted has given way to a day of an incoherent hollow shell of myself, wondering the aisle at a store looking at curtain with my wife. Asking me if I wanted to go, I said yes. A chance to spend time with my wife with no kids is not something you turn down. I must have looked like a hungover bum to most. Type 1 will do that to you.

The story started last night, we must have slipped into bed around midnight, unable to keep our eyes open for another show on Prime or Netflix. One of our few ways to spend a little time together after the kids are in bed. Being a Saturday night meant we could stay up later. We seemed relaxed and a bit more and booze made sure of it. However, not long after we drifted off, beep beep beep, went the high alarm. My wife was fast asleep and snoring too. After a few more clears of the alarm, I got up. It was time to check a BG. Younger d-daughter’s blood sugar had gone rocketing upward for some reason.

The girls and I had gone to Craig’s Cruisers for some birthday fun. I don’t think she ate anything there. But for one of eleven thousand reasons, her BG climbed like a monkey fleeing a lion. I did what I learned nearly ten years ago: check and correct. After watching some more TV and then YouTube video’s, I got the angle down arrow on the Dexi. Back to bed at somewhere around the hour of 4 am.

Oh, by the way, I got double screwed because of the “spring back time change”. Thank you so much to nimrods that keep that in force. Most likely related to the unnamed insurance company that forces people with type 1 diabetes to use only one brand of an insulin pump; let’s call it a force gang rape of the diabetes community. Notice I did not use any names! Ha! Screw both of those companies; my they fester in a cauldron of feces and burn in Hell.

Back to my lack of sleep. I don’t think many get it. My wife gets less sleep than me. And if I keep the Dexi’s on my side of the bed, she still wakes up. Were both are  in bad need of a break. So, if you know of a cabin for cheap rent around the Michigan area, send me an email and I’ll forward your application for Sainthood to the Vatican.

After I fell asleep, I did have the most pleasant dream. I was at a party for new authors and everyone there had heard of my new novel. I currently typing away at a novel, a shorter one at that. Maybe we’ll more like a long novella. Who knows if it will make a book store near you? All I know, typing away on this keyboard is a healthy catharsis for the soul and mind. Like Bowie once said, “who knows, not me, I never lost control”.


I’m a diabetes dad too.


About Tim

I'm a blogger that writes about Type 1 Diabetes. I do this because I have 3 daughters with Type 1. I also have a boy that does not, I would prefer he does NOT get diagnosed either. 3rd diagnosis October 2022
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